View curated list of all known Priceline hotels in Tucson, AZ
There have been 14 Priceline winning bids in Tucson, AZ reported by fellow travellers.
The list has been created from actual travelers using Priceline. The list of winning bids is a helpful tool for better bidding on Priceline but is not perfect. This information should be used as a guide for helping to reveal your hotel. Priceline hotel reservations cannot be cancelled.
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Hotel Name: TownePlace Suites Tucson Airport
Area: Tucson Airport (TUS)
Price: $44
Dates: May 05, 2019 to May 07, 2019
Comments: $44 per night on Priceline. I am extremely please with the deal I got on my Tucson purchase.
Hotel: TownePlace Suites Tucson Airport
Area: Tucson Airport (TUS)
Price: $41
Travel dates: January 04, 2019 to January 06, 2019
Comments: I am quite happy about the deal I got on this Priceline Tucson win. I hope my information provides help.
Express Deal Amenities on the List: Complimentary breakfast, Free Internet (in Room), Complimentary parking, Pet-friendly, Outdoor Pool, Shuttle, Non-Smoking, Gym, Handicap Accessible and Business Center
Hotel: Westin La Paloma Resort and Spa
Area: La Paloma - Ventana Canyon
Price: $82
Travel dates: December 27, 2017 to December 29, 2017
Hotel: Westward Look Wyndham Grand Resort and Spa
Area: North Tucson
Price: $102
Travel dates: September 10, 2017 to September 12, 2017
Hotel: Westward Look Wyndham Grand Resort and Spa
Area: Oro Valley North
Price: $61
Travel dates: May 10, 2017 to May 12, 2017
Comments: I am extremely excited about my win from Priceline in Tucson.
Hotel: Loews Ventana Canyon Resort
Area: La Paloma - Ventana Canyon
Price: $76
Dates: December 12, 2016 to December 14, 2016
Comments: I am quite happy with the deal I got on the Tucson Priceline hotel.
Hotel: Radisson Suites Tucson
Bidding Area: Tucson East
Price: $76
Dates: March 17, 2016 to March 19, 2016
Hotel: Four Points By Sheraton Tucson Airport
Bidding Area: Airport TUS
Price Per Night: $50
Travel dates: June 21, 2016 to June 23, 2016
Hotel: Hampton Inn Tucson-Airport
Area: Airport TUS
Price: $37
Travel dates: October 22, 2015 to October 24, 2015
Comments: Thx for all of your tips and help. I hope this info is of some value.
Hotel: Sheraton Tucson Hotel and Suites
Area: Tucson East
Price: $40
Travel dates: February 22, 2015 to February 27, 2015
Comments: First bid was $40, accepted.
Hotel: Loews Ventana Canyon
Area: La Paloma - Ventana Canyon
Price: $64
Dates: January 11, 2015 to January 14, 2015
Comments: I am happy with the Tucson Priceline hotel purchase. Glad this post provides help to others.
Hotel: Tucson Marriott University Park
Area: Central
Price: $88
Travel dates: January 25, 2015 to January 26, 2015
Comments: Reserved at $88/night for 1 night. I appreciate the bidding help.
Hotel: Westward Look Wyndham Grand Resort and Spa
Area: Tucson North
Price: $60
Travel dates: August 03, 2013 to August 04, 2013
Comments: No
Hotel: Loews Ventana Canyon
Area: Ventana - La Paloma
Price Per Night: $90
Travel dates: February 05, 2011 to February 09, 2011
Comments: First bid was $70. Was not accepted but Priceline indicated I should resubmit with a $20 increase. I submitted a $90 bid which was accepted. I have stayed here previously (also booked on Priceline) and was treated very well.
Post your Hotwire or Priceline wins and we will update the list.