View curated list of all known Priceline hotels in London, ON
There have been 16 Priceline winning bids in London, ON reported by fellow travellers.
The list has been created from actual travelers using Priceline. The list of winning bids is a helpful tool for better bidding on Priceline but is not perfect. This information should be used as a guide for helping to reveal your hotel. Do not forget that reservations on Priceline are usually non-refundable.
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Hotel: Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites London
Area: South London
Price: $69
Travel dates: October 06, 2016 to October 07, 2016
Hotel: Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites London
Area: South London
Price: $70
Travel dates: May 18, 2016 to May 19, 2016
Comments: express deal
used a 10% coupon with there App
Hotel: Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites London
Bidding Area: South London
Price: $68
Travel dates: May 01, 2016 to May 04, 2016
Comments: Express deal
Hotel: Delta London Armouries
Area: Central London
Price: $69
Travel dates: 04/04/2016 to 04/05/2016
Hotel Name: Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites London
Area: South London
Price: $56
Travel dates: February 09, 2016 to February 10, 2016
Comments: I started bidding at $50 and was countered at $62 which was higher than the express deal. Got it for $56 by increments of $1
Hotel: Delta London Armouries
Area: Central London
Price: $60
Travel dates: October 13, 2015 to October 14, 2015
Hotel: Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites London
Area: South London
Price: $60
Travel dates: May 21, 2015 to May 22, 2015
Comments: express deal was going for $64
bid $53 and received counter offer of $67. Worked my way up finally accepted at $60
Hotel: Delta London Armouries
Area: Central London
Price: $61
Travel dates: May 13, 2015 - May 14, 2015
Additional info: needed to extend our stay by one night.
Newly renovated rooms
Hotel: Delta London Armouries
Area: Central London
Price: $60
Travel dates: May 12, 2015 - May 13, 2015
Comments: back to London, I believe self park is now $15 canadian
Hotel: Delta London Armouries
Area: Central London
Price: $59
Travel dates: February 24, 2015 to February 25, 2015
Comments: Express Deal was $67
self park is extra $15 canadian
Hotel: Delta London Armouries
Area: Central London
Price: $59
Dates: January 25, 2015 to January 26, 2015
Comments: decent price, parking is $12 self park
Hotel: Delta London Armouries
Bidding Area: Central London
Price Per Night: $68
Travel dates: November 04, 2014 to November 05, 2014
Hotel: BEST WESTERN PLUS Stoneridge Inn & Conference Centre
Area: Southwest London
Price: $56
Travel dates: April 01, 2014 - April 02, 2014
Hotel: Delta London Armouries
Area: Central London
Price: $64
Travel dates: September 03, 2013 to September 04, 2013
Hotel: Delta London Armouries
Area: Central
Price: $68
Travel dates: June 12, 2013 to June 13, 2013
Hotel: Delta London Armouries
Area: Central
Price: $69
Travel dates: May 21, 2013 to May 22, 2013
Comments: bid $65 counteroffered at $79, bid up to $67, $68 and finally accepted at $69 (using free rebids)
parking will add about $15
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