View curated list of all known Priceline hotels in Lexington, KY
There have been 11 Priceline winning bids in Lexington, KY reported by fellow travellers.
This list of wins is created from Priceline customers who have posted their winning bids. These winning bids are a helpful tool for better bidding but are not perfect. This information should be used as a guide for helping to reveal your hotel. Priceline hotel reservations cannot be cancelled.
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Hotel: SpringHill Suites Lexington Near the University of Kentucky
Area: Lexington - Lexington North
Price Per Night: $56
Travel dates: May 18, 2021 to May 19, 2021
Comments: No known amenities
Hotel: Clarion Hotel
Area: Lexington - Lexington North
Price: $53
Travel dates: September 26, 2017 to September 28, 2017
Hotel: Clarion Hotel
Area: Lexington - Lexington North
Price: $60
Travel dates: July 26, 2015 to July 28, 2015
Hotel: Doubletree Guest Suites
Price: $50
Travel dates: November 25, 2009 to August 26, 2010
Comments: Started bidding at $45.
Hotel: Doubletree Guest Suites
Price Per Night: $50
Travel dates: 11/25/2009 to 08/26/2010
Comments: Started bidding at $45.
Hotel: Hyatt Regency
Price: $45
Travel dates: 03/03/2010 to 03/05/2010
Hotel Name: Hyatt Regency
Price: $45
Travel dates: March 03, 2010 to March 05, 2010
Hotel: Holiday Inn Lexington North
Area: North
Price: $35
Travel dates: May 21, 2010 - August 23, 2010
Hotel: Holiday Inn Lexington North
Area: North
Price: $35
Travel dates: May 21, 2010 to August 23, 2010
Hotel Name: Doubletree Guest Suites
Price: $45
Travel dates: May 04, 2010 to May 05, 2010
Hotel: Doubletree Guest Suites
Price Per Night: $45
Travel dates: May 04, 2010 to May 05, 2010
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