View curated list of all known Priceline hotels in Hawaii, HI
There have been 10 Priceline winning bids in Hawaii, HI reported by fellow travellers.
This list of wins is created from Priceline travelers who have posted their winning bids. These winning bids are a helpful tool for better bidding but are not perfect. This information should be used as a guide for helping to reveal your hotel. Priceline hotel reservations cannot be cancelled.
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Hotel: Castle Hilo Hawaiian Hotel
Area: Hilo
Price: $103
Travel dates: August 22, 2017 to August 23, 2017
Comments: Thanks so much for all your assistance with bidding. The hotel provides free parking and internet. I always use the Priceline link before bidding.
Priceline Express with these amenities:
Free parking
Free Internet
Indoor or Outdoor Pool
No Smoking Rooms/Facilities
Hotel: Kona Seaside Hotel
Area: Kona
Price: $86
Travel dates: February 14, 2017 to February 16, 2017
Comments: I clicked on the Priceline link just before reserving my hotel.
Amenities shown were Outdoor Pool and Nonsmoking.
Hotel: Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa at Keauhou Bay
Area: Kona
Price: $115
Dates: October 26, 2016 to October 27, 2016
Comments: I received this hotel for $115 a night on Priceline. I used your Priceline link at the time of bidding.
A Priceline Express Deal.
Hotel: Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa at Keauhou Bay
Area: Kona
Price: $102
Travel dates: August 07, 2016 to August 08, 2016
Additional info: I used the Priceline link when I was reserving.
Hotel: Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa at Keauhou Bay
Area: Kona
Price: $109
Travel dates: April 04, 2016 to April 07, 2016
Comments: I really appreciate all the advice and help with my reservation.
Hotel: Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa at Keauhou Bay
Area: Kona
Price: $104
Travel dates: November 05, 2015 to November 06, 2015
Comments: $104/night via Priceline.
Hotel Name: Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa at Keauhou Bay
Area: Kona
Price: $142
Travel dates: August 29, 2015 to August 30, 2015
Additional info: Booked my accommodations for just 1 night via Priceline. I hope that my information is useful to others. I clicked on the Priceline link on this site.
Amenities listed: Indoor/Outdoor pool, Restaurant, Fitness Center, Free Wifi
Guest Score of 7 or higher
Hotel: Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa at Keauhou Bay
Area: Kona
Price: $152
Travel dates: April 06, 2015 to April 07, 2015
Comments: Hope my hotel purchase info can help other members of this forum reveal their hotel. Very happy with the purchase I received in Hawaii. I remembered to click the Priceline link before booking my hotel.
Hotel: Sheraton Kona Resort And Spa At Keauhou Bay
Area: Kona
Price: $117
Travel dates: January 03, 2015 to January 06, 2015
Comments: Thank you for all your help with my reservation.
Hotel: The Fairmont Orchid, Hawaii
Area: Waikoloa-Kohala Coast
Price: $224
Travel dates: December 02, 2014 to December 04, 2014
Comments: PRICELINE is showing a PRICELINE EXPRESS deal for a 4.5 star in the Waikoloa - Kohala Coast area. It is an 8.0 rating, guest favorite. Has indoor or outdoor pool, allows pets, fitness center, and business center. Showing $202 night with 20% or more savings. Thanks so much for any assistance you can offer. :)
Sorry I forgot to put the dates: 8/12/15-8/16/15 Thank you!
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