View curated list of all known Priceline hotels in Galveston, TX
There have been 3 Priceline winning bids in Galveston, TX reported by fellow travellers.
The list of winning bids was generated by Priceline fellow travelers who shared their winning bids. These winning bids are intended as a tool for better bidding and not a guaranteed way to reveal your hotel. This information should only be used as a guide for revealing your hotel, not a guarantee. Please remember that Priceline hotel reservations are non-refundable.
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Hotel: Best Western Galveston West Beach Hotel
Area: Galveston West - Waterpark Area
Price: $28
Travel dates: Sep 04, 2018 to Sep 06, 2018
Comments: unknown amenities
Hotel: The Tremont House, A Wyndham Grand Hotel
Area: Galveston East - Harbor
Price: $222
Dates: January 26, 2015 to January 29, 2015
Hotel: The Tremont House, A Wyndham Grand Hotel
Area: Galveston East - Harbor
Price: $216
Travel dates: November 19, 2014 to November 21, 2014
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