View curated list of all known Priceline hotels in Chattanooga, TN
There have been 8 Priceline winning bids in Chattanooga, TN reported by fellow travellers.
This list of wins is generated from Priceline actual customers who have shared their winning bids. These winning bids are intended as a tool for better bidding and not a guaranteed way to reveal your hotel. This information should only be used as a guide for revealing your hotel, not a guarantee. Priceline hotel reservations cannot be cancelled.
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Hotel: Chattanooga Marriott Downtown
Area: Downtown
Price: $74
Travel dates: June 29, 2016 to July 02, 2016
Comments: Thanks for all of your help. I clicked on the Priceline link here just before booking.
Hotel: Chattanooga Marriott Downtown
Area: Chattanooga Downtown
Price: $115
Travel dates: October 18, 2014 to October 19, 2014
Comments: Bid Rejected. Suggested to Go up and that worked.
Hotel: Extended stay america
Area: Airport
Price: $28
Travel dates: August 04, 2010 to August 06, 2010
Comments: ESA is 1 star and $28+$19 in taxes.Accepted for $28 and got rejected for $25
Hotel: Extended stay america
Area: Airport
Price: $28
Travel dates: August 04, 2010 to August 06, 2010
Comments: ESA is 1 star and $28+$19 in taxes.Accepted for $28 and got rejected for $25
Hotel: Extended stay america
Area: Airport
Price: $28
Travel dates: August 04, 2010 to August 06, 2010
Comments: ESA is 1 star and $28+$19 in taxes.Accepted for $28 and got rejected for $25
Hotel: Extended stay america
Area: Airport
Price: $28
Travel dates: Aug 04, 2010 to Aug 06, 2010
Comments: ESA is 1 star and $28+$19 in taxes.Accepted for $28 and got rejected for $25
Hotel: Sheraton Read House
Area: Downtown
Price: $42
Travel dates: July 08, 2010 to July 10, 2010
Comments: Accepted on 1st bid
Hotel: Sheraton Read House
Area: Downtown
Price: $42
Dates: July 08, 2010 to July 10, 2010
Comments: Accepted on 1st bid
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