View curated list of all known Hotwire hotels in Santa Fe, NM
There have been 15 Hotwire winning bids in Santa Fe, NM reported by fellow travellers.
The list has been created from actual travelers using Hotwire. The list of winning bids is a helpful tool for better bidding on Hotwire but is not perfect. This information should be used as a guide for helping to reveal your hotel. Hotwire hotel reservations cannot be cancelled.
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Hotel: Las Palomas Inn Santa Fe
Area: Santa Fe Plaza and Vicinity - Santa Fe North
Price: $118
Travel dates: August 03, 2018 to August 06, 2018
Comments: I totally appreciate all of your bidding assistance.
Amenities listed: Boutique, Fitness, Complimentary Breakfast, Smoke Free, Free Internet, Hi-Speed Internet, Business, Laundry, Golf, Free parking, Handicap parking, Pets allowed
Hotel: Santa Fe Sage Inn
Area: Plaza
Price Per Night: $114
Travel dates: October 17, 2017 to October 20, 2017
Additional info: This hotel provides freebies such as breakfast and wifi.
Amenities included: Complimentary breakfast, Free Internet, Pet friendly, Boutique hotel, Non Smoking rooms, Pool(s), Fitness Center, Restaurant(s), Business center, Self-service laundry, Internet access, Golf nearby.
Hotel: Santa Fe Sage Inn
Area: Plaza
Price Per Night: $59
Travel dates: March 09, 2017 to March 14, 2017
Comments: The amenities include Free internet, Free breakfast, Pet-friendly, Boutique Hotel, Pet-friendly, Restaurant(s), Pool(s), Business Center, Self service laundry.
Hotel: La Posada de Santa Fe, a Tribute Portfolio Resort & Spa
Area: Plaza
Price: $117
Travel dates: November 23, 2016 to November 25, 2016
Comments: Resort
Free parking
Pet friendly
Smoke-free rooms
Fitness center
Business center
Golf nearby
Spa services
Hotel: Inn at Vanessie
Area: Plaza
Price: $92
Travel dates: 04/23/2015 - 04/24/2015
Comments: Hotel offers free breakfast, self parking and wifi. I am quite happy about the price I paid for this Hotwire Santa Fe hotel winning bid.
95% Recommended
4.5 on TripAdvisor
Here are the amenities:
Free parking
Complimentary breakfast
Free Internet
Internet access
Hotel: Inn of the Governors
Bidding Area: Plaza
Price: $136
Dates: December 02, 2014 to December 07, 2014
Comments: Thanks for the help with booking. I clicked the Hotwire link here at the time of booking.
Hotel: Hotel Chimayo de Santa Fe
Area: Santa Fe Plaza
Price: $110
Dates: November 02, 2014 to November 04, 2014
Comments: Can you help identify this Hotwire hotel 3.5* 5/6-9
Book soon! The last person got the Inn of the Governors.
Santa Fe Plaza area
85% recommended
$115 per night
Pet friendly
Boutique Hotel
Internet access
Hotwire customer reviews
85% recommended
(27 total reviews)
Hotel Name: Hotel Santa Fe, The Hacienda and Spa
Area: Santa Fe Plaza and Vicinity
Price: $80
Travel dates: October 27, 2014 to October 29, 2014
Comments: Rejected at $70, accepted at $80.
Hotel: Hotel Santa Fe and Hacienda and Spa
Area: Plaza
Price Per Night: $144
Travel dates: July 11, 2011 to July 18, 2011
Hotel: Hotel Santa Fe and Hacienda and Spa
Area: Plaza
Price: $144
Travel dates: Jul 11, 2011 to Jul 18, 2011
Hotel: Hotel Santa Fe and Hacienda and Spa
Area: Plaza
Price: $144
Dates: July 11, 2011 to July 18, 2011
Hotel: Inn of the Governors
Area: Plaza
Price: $119
Travel dates: August 27, 2010 to August 29, 2010
Hotel: Inn of the Governors
Area: Plaza
Price: $119
Travel dates: August 27, 2010 to August 29, 2010
Hotel: Inn of the Governors
Area: Plaza
Price: $119
Travel dates: August 27, 2010 to August 29, 2010
Hotel Name: Inn of the Governors
Area: Plaza
Price: $119
Travel dates: August 27, 2010 to August 29, 2010
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