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Here is what we know about this hotel based on fellow travelers. The hotel does appear on both Priceline and Hotwire.
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Priceline Data For The Westin Nova Scotian
Last Reported: January 2015
Appears on Priceline: Very Often, Recent
Typical Winning Bid Range: $61 - $95
Additional Information: Tip for better bidding in Halifax: This is a very popular hotel on Priceline. If you are bidding on 4-stars, this is probably the hotel you will receive.
Similar Hotels Found on Priceline: This hotel appears to be fairly unique.
We are not aware of any other hotels in this area with the same hotel rating. See the full list of Priceline hotels in Halifax.
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Hotwire Data For The Westin Nova Scotian
Hotel Area: Downtown Halifax
Last Reported: December 2014
Appears on Hotwire: Very Often, Recent
Typical Price Range: $81 - $112
Amenities Shown on Hotwire: Free internet, Non-smoking, Internet, Fitness Centre, Indoor Swimming Pool, Business Centre, Spa, Tennis nearby, Laundry, Pets allowed, Pool(s), Restaurant
Additional Information: This is one of the more popular 4 star hotels on Hotwire in Halifax. If you book a 4 star, there's a good chance you'll get this. Look at the amenities to conform.
Similar Hotels Found on Hotwire: This hotel appears to be fairly unique.
We are not aware of any other hotels in this area with the same hotel rating. See the full list of Hotwire hotels in Halifax.
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