Last updated: December 2023 | See actual Priceline winning bids for Banff, Alberta, Canada
There are 5 known Priceline hotels in Banff, AB.
The list was crowd sourced from travelers using Priceline to book their accommodation. The list is not perfect. It should only be used as a guide for revealing your hotel, not a guarantee. Do not forget that reservations on Priceline are usually non-refundable.
Here's where you can find additional bidding help. Travelers often use the Priceline forum to get help bidding on travel.
Banff Caribou Lodge & Spa(TripAdvisor Review) | |
Last Reported: February 2016 |
Jupiter Hotel | |
Last Reported: April 2010 |
Charltons Cedar Court | |
Last Reported: November 2012 |
Coast Canmore Hotel & Conference Centre(TripAdvisor Review) | |
Last Reported: October 2012 | 5 winning bids submitted for this hotel. |
Lake Louise Inn(TripAdvisor Review) | |
Last Reported: June 2010 |
Post your Hotwire or Priceline wins and we will update the list.