Hotwire is a great choice for travelers looking to book a hotel in Cabo San Lucas. Before you book your hotel, however, it is worth doing a bit of research to find out which Hotwire hotels are in Cabo San Lucas and what hotel you are likely to receive.
resort fees are a mandatory fee that guests must pay to the hotel in addition to the nightly room rate. In most cases they are on a per night basis and guests cannot opt out. They often include some perks and freebies such as usage of the hotel facilities, a complimentary newspaper, free telephone calls and internet. Here are the top 10 cities that charge resort fees and some tips on how to avoid them.
Aside from visiting many great hotels in Hawaii, I was able to get out and enjoy many of the sites throughout Oahu. One of my favorite places in Oahu was Turtle Beach. Turtle Beach should not be confused with Turtle Bay, the hotel-resort located further north on the North Shore. Turtle Beach is a very […]
Car rental scams in Cabo San Lucas are blatant and rampant. Fortunately, I was prepared to avoid the scamps. Preparation was based on reviews of car rental agencies in Cabo San Lucas on TripAdvisor. Here is a recount of how one car rental, Eurocar, tried to scam me and what I did to protect myself, avoiding $380 in hidden and unnecessary charges.
New York City is a fantastic tourist destination, but it can also be expensive. Broadway tickets, dining, and hotels can be extremely expensive. In fact, even though there are several great ways to save money on hotels in NYC, it is still one of the most expensive cities for accommodation. Fortunately, New York also has many great attractions, sites and activities that travelers can take in without spending a penny.
Here is a list of the top 10 free things to do in New York City.