Priceline offers some great prices for travelers looking for hotels near Disneyland in Anaheim, California. However, Priceline reservations are non-refundable and extra caution should be exercised when booking Priceline hotels. This article discusses some of the ways to save money while avoiding the common pitfalls travelers make when booking their hotel on opaque bidding sites.
As a resident of Victoria, BC, I travel up and down Vancouver Island quite often and have used Priceline a number of times for Vancouver Island hotels. As well, other travelers have reported their Priceline Canada hotels on the Priceline forum. Based on this collective information, here is a guide to better bidding on Priceline hotels in Victoria and Vancouver Island.
This article takes a look at Priceline vs. Hotwire hotels. Specifically, we look at how each site rates the same hotels. Do they rate hotels the same or does one company inflate their hotel ratings? Anyone who travels has probably stayed at a hotel that did not quite meet their expectations. You book a hotel online based on some photos but when you get there, the hotel looks better in photos than in real life.
Anyone who lives in lower British Columbia (Vanouver, Victoria, Kelowna, etc) should consder Bellingham when flying for the many benefits it has to offer:
I had the privilege of visiting Waikiki, Hawaii for two weeks. We rented a condo at the Waikiki Banyan) and a car from Priceline (at $14 per day). The family has settled in nicely and we have been visiting our obligatory tourist attractions (especially Waikiki beach). Anyone who knows Waikiki also knows that this beach […]