Westin New York at Times Square on Priceline & Hotwire

hotel address270 West 43rd Street At 8th Avenue, New York City, NY 10036-3912

This is a collection of information about the Westin New York at Times Square on Priceline & Hotwire. The data is generated by fellow travelers who booked this hotel on Priceline and/or Hotwire. This info is intended to help travelers with better bidding and revealing hotels before booking.

Traveler Reviews

4.0 out of 5 | See TripAdvisor Reviews

Better Bidding Information

Here is what we know about this hotel based on fellow travelers. The hotel does appear on both Priceline and Hotwire. Additional info:

Priceline Data For The Westin New York at Times Square

4 stars on Priceline

Bidding Zone: Times Square - Theatre District

Last Reported: May 2018

Appears on Priceline: Very Rarely

Average Winning Bid: $123

Typical Winning Bid Range: $98 - $172

Similar Hotels Found on Priceline: These are other possible 4 star hotels you may get when bidding for travel in the same area of New York City, New York. See the full list of Priceline hotels in New York City. Contribute to this list. Post your winning bid and we'll add it to the list.

Distrikt Hotel New York City
Kimpton Muse Hotel

Hotwire Data For The Westin New York at Times Square

4.5 stars on Hotwire

Hotel Area: Times Square

Last Reported: November 2018

Appears on Hotwire: Very Often, Recent

Average Price: $156

Typical Price Range: $124 - $219

Amenities Shown on Hotwire:

Additional Information: 95% Recommended

Similar Hotels Found on Hotwire: These are other possible 4.5 star hotels you may get when booking hotels in the same area of New York City, New York. See the full list of Hotwire hotels in New York City. Contribute to this list. Post your winning bid and we'll add it to the list.

InterContinental New York Times Square
Hyatt Centric Times Square New York

Compare hotel rates. Begin your search.

Compare fares on other sites before you reserve. Most reservations cannot be cancelled once you pay.

Winning Bid History

Here is a history of winning bids for . This is based on real travelers sharing actual winning bids. Please post your wins and we will add them to the list. You will help withers with better bidding for travel.

WebsiteTravel DatePrice Paid
HotwireFebruary 11, 2019$221
HotwireNovember 13, 2018$198
HotwireAugust 14, 2018$128
HotwireJuly 20, 2018$132
HotwireNovember 22, 2017$203
HotwireOctober 2, 2016$128
HotwireJune 24, 2015$149
HotwireMarch 6, 2015$102
PricelineSeptember 2013$80
HotwireJuly 2013$177
HotwireJune 2013$142
PricelineMay 2013$164
PricelineMarch 2013$150
PricelineFebruary 2013$118
PricelineFebruary 2013$115
PricelineJanuary 2013$104
PricelineJanuary 2013$130
HotwireOctober 2012$130
HotwireSeptember 2012$169

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